WALS Webinar Programme 2023
All members of WALS can access live and recorded webinars which are saved on the website for future viewing. Look out for future notifications on the WALS website and our Twitter and Facebook pages which will give you further information and links to register.
Six very interesting events have already been planned for this year, so please save the dates and take the opportunity to engage with the topics and the presenters and join in with the discussions.
March 28th – Live Q and A
“School leaders of Lesson Study”
This webinar will focus on the experiences of senior and middle leaders working in schools in the UK, Malta, Kazakhstan and Brunei who have introduced LS in their schools. Short presentations are available online now and will describe the lived experiences of the presenters in introducing and developing LS across a range of schools and subject areas. The 45-minute live Q and A will then provide you with the opportunity to engage with the speakers and ask questions.
April 8th – (time to follow)
“Emerging Voices”
Lesson Study has grown in popularity as a research topic and as research methodology among doctoral students and early career researchers (ECR). This webinar ‘Emerging Voices in Lesson Studies’ is organized by the WALS PhD and Early Researchers committee and will focus specifically on studies by emerging researchers in Lesson Studies. The presentations are a reflection of the collection of papers published in the Special Issue of the International Journal of Lesson and Learning Studies to be published in March 2023.
April 21st – (Time to follow)
“Lesson study and Gifted Education”
This webinar will focus on this neglected but very interesting area of Lesson Study research. It discusses the first experience with Lesson Study in gifted education in Austrian primary and lower secondary education. Based on six Lesson Studies carried out by 24 teachers between November and January, an overview is given and one Lesson Study is presented in detail by a teacher.
May 9th, 6:00 pm GMT
“Facilitating Lesson Study: facilitator moves, ideas and structures”
Facilitation takes many different forms in Lesson Study across the globe. This webinar brings together examples of different forms of facilitation from Norway, Scotland, Switzerland and the United States. We will share how facilitators act, the moves they make and the resources they utilise to start a wider discussion on facilitating the facilitator in Lesson Study
May 11th, 4:00 pm San Francisco time
“Equity and focal students”
Colleagues from the California Action Network for Mathematics Excellence and Equity (CANMEE) will present a webinar focussing on equity and focal students. CANMEE was formed to respond to the call for collective action to make real equity in mathematics classrooms. To accomplish this goal. CANMEE teachers employ a high-quality LS process to plan and test lessons that address the needs of traditionally marginalised students.
June 2023 (date and time to be confirmed)
“Contribution of networking theories to advancing lesson study”
This webinar presents the features and strategies of networking theories to investigate lesson study. Three presentations, as well as interactions between the authors and practitioners will demonstrate how networking theories could strengthen lesson study both theoretically and empirically. It will provoke participants’ thinking and questioning about the potential application of the innovative theoretical approach.
If you have an idea for a webinar that you would like to share with the WALS community, please follow this link to propose an event.