Lesson Study of the Marnix Academie
Collaborative Lesson Study Malta (CLeStuM)
Housed within the Faculty of Education at the University of Malta, CLeStuM aims to support schools to learn about, initiate and sustain collaborative lesson studies. The website offers numerous free and downloadable resources that school leaders and teachers may use. These resources include: articles, website links, videos, sample lesson plans, observation sheets and lesson study reports drawn from the initiatives taken up by a number of Maltese schools.
Exeter University Lesson Study Network
The Lesson Study Network in the Graduate School of Education, University of Exeter, aims to promote understanding about lesson study and related practices (learning studies) in their contexts and across varied phases of education, to support further thinking and research about developing lesson study practices in ITE and CPD and to examine knowledge exchange and other lesson study processes.
LessonNote – A free iPad app to support Lesson Study
Lesson Study Alliance developed LessonNote to support effective Lesson Study.
LessonNote, a free iPad app available at the iTunes store, helps you collect detailed qualitative and quantitative data during a lesson.
Lesson Study Alliance website
Website of a US organisation that promotes and support the implementation of lesson study to improve K-12 teaching and learning especially in mathematics and science
Lausanne Laboratory Lesson Study (3LS)
Leicester Lesson Study Research Group (LSRG)
The University of Leicester is one of a very few universities in the UK to have a research group exclusively dedicated to researching pedagogy through lesson study.
Lesson Study @PH NÖ
A website to facilitate Lesson Study in teacher education and development in Lower Austria and beyond.
Lesson Study Group at Mills College
Website of Mills College Lesson Study Group led by Prof Catherine Lewis, prominent Lesson Study advocate in the US
Lesson Study Network
Launched by Motoko Akiba and Aki Murata.This web site shares their team’s work in Florida schools, as well as lesson study resources and web links to different lesson study PD and research projects.
Lesson Study NL
Lesson Study NL was founded in 2016 as a partnership of four universities in the Netherlands: VU University Amsterdam, University of Groningen, and Windesheim University of Twente
Project IMPULS at Tokyo Gakugei University
A website that facilitates opportunities for researchers, administrators and practising school professional to exchange ideas for mathematics teachers professionalisation through Lesson Study.
The Centre for Excellence in Learning and Teaching- Hong Kong
Centre for Excellence in Learning and Teaching is established as a pedagogical professional development centre under the Faculty of Education and Human Development (FEHD) of The Education University of Hong Kong. CELT aims to both support and initiate new, cutting edge classroom practices in schools, heightening teaching and learning effectiveness and striving for learning and teaching excellence.
UK Lesson Study website
Led by Dr Pete Dudley, this website promotes and develops Lesson Study in the UK
UNIMORE Lesson Study Group
Website in Italian for teachers and researchers with materials from summer and winter schools since 2012 in the Archive section for the dissemination of LS culture.