Volume 7, Issue 2 of the IJLLS is the second publication of 2018.
Click here to view the content of the publication.
Volume 7, Issue 1 of the IJLLs is the first issue of 2018.
This volume includes the following articles:-
The many faces of lesson study and learning study
Keith Wood
A literature review of lesson study in initial teacher education: Perspectives about learning and observation
Deborah Lynn Sorton Larssen, Wasyl Cajkler, Reidar Mosvold, Raymond Bjuland, Nina Helgevold, Janne Fauskanger, Phil Wood, Fay Baldry, Arne Jakobsen, Hans Erik Bugge, Gro Næsheim-Bjørkvik, Julie Norton (pp. 8 – 22)
Spreading lesson study in pre-service teacher instruction
Maria Laura Angelini, Neus Álvarez (pp. 23 – 36)
Learning study is “hard”: case of pre-service biology teachers in British Columbia
Yuen Sze Michelle Tan (pp. 37 – 49)
Improving teacher learning: variation in conceptions of learning study
Guy Durden (pp. 50 – 61)
Spiritual group training for adolescences: Investigating the effect of group training on spiritual well-being
Hillman Wirawan, Muhammad Jufri, Andi Anto Patak (pp. 62 – 74)
Members of WALS can freely access all journal articles from all published volumes by logging into www.walsnet.org as a member and clicking on the IJLLS banner in the Members Area.