Beiträge zu Aktionsforschung, Lesson Study & Learning Study

A new series focusing on action research, lesson study and learning study in German language has been launched by the organizers of CARN D.A.Ch, a subgroup of the Collaborative Action Research Network (CARN). 

The first volume in the series focuses on language, multilingualism, and linguistic practices as the unifying thematic element of all contributions. Combined with the methodological claim of collaborative research, reflexive and innovative insights emerge in the context of teacher education and continuous development.

These aspects take on a new focus and urgency with the disruption of school, university, and continuing education in the wake of the covid pandemic. The contributions in this volume show that action research, lesson study and learning study offer methodologies that can unfold their potential especially in times of crisis.

 „Herausforderung Sprache in Kindergarten, Schule und Universität“ was published in Praesens by Renata Zanin, Franz Rauch, Angela Schuster, Christine Lachner, Ulrike Stadler-Altmann and Johann Dumbl.

Resources: praesens_LS(1).pdf

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