IJLLS invites contributions from educational researchers and teaching professionals throughout the world who are engaged in educational research that focuses directly on improving the quality of teaching and learning in classrooms and other formal learning environments through pedagogical innovation.
These studies may take the form of lesson studies, learning studies, collaborative lesson research, action research, design-based research, design experiments, formative evaluations or pedagogical research more generally that is designed to foster a democratic, discursive and action orientated inquiry process.
The editorial objective of the journal is to promote interdisciplinary and cross-national collaboration between groups of teacher educators, educational researchers and schoolteachers.
The journal is abstracted and indexed by: Thomson Reuters Emerging Sources Citation Index, British Library, EBSCO EDS, ProQuest ABI inform, Scopus, Summon and Cabell’s Directory of Publishing Opportunities in Educational Curriculum & Methods.
Author services are available providing editorial support (including language editing and translation, visuals, and consulting) to help get your research submission-ready.
A series of free to view ‘How to … guides’ for academic and practitioner authors is available offering practical tips on how to write effectively and guidance on how to get your work published and maximize its dissemination.
Submissions to the International Journal for Lesson and Learning Studies are made using ScholarOne Manuscripts, the online submission and peer review system. Author guidelines for making a submission are available at