Dear WALS member,
Welcome to the WALS June Newsletter. The amazing conference being planned in Macau and Hong Kong will now be online. We are working closely with Dr Po Yuk Ko and Dr Sean Li in Hong Kong and Macau respectively to bring you a fantastic online conference with world class keynote speakers, Learning Studies from Hong Kong and Macau and programmes in our three time zones featuring practice, research and lesson and learning studies from around the world. The world has seen a revolution in the development and use of online lesson study since WALS 2020 and we will see innovative examples.
We are extending our submission date for contributions to 31 July because we know more people will wish to do so online and we have also lowered the conference price so everyone gets the former student discount. Please register here for the conference which includes: a year’s membership of WALS; access to all WALS 2021 and 2020 sessions; the International Journal of Lesson and Learning Studies; all WALS Webinars; WALS PhD network and of course the WALS community.
This Newsletter brings insights into this vibrant community featuring developments and innovations in lesson study in Malaysia, Portugal, China, America, Norway, the UK, Malta, Australia and the UK plus information about our book series available at a considerable discount to WALS members and conference attendees. My thanks go to all contributors.
So please, register for the conference now and get your submission for a paper, poster, lesson study sharecase or even a symposium to us by 31 July. We look forward to welcoming you to our second exciting online conference from 29 November to 3rd December – all details below.
Pete Dudley,
WALS President.