Lesson and Learning Studies at the CARN D.A.CH Conference in Bozen/Italy
The Free University of Bolzano organised this year’s CARN D.A.CH. Conference at the Campus Brixen. Claudia Mewald from the University College of Teacher Education organized a symposium focussing on Lesson Study projects carried out in the context of “Autonomous learning with authentic learning materials on interactive websites for language learning”.
Elisabeth Mürwald-Scheifinger presented her Lesson Study project called “See how I already know mathematics”. Her focus was on the basic pedagogical-mathematical attitude of kindergarten teachers. Hubert Gruber inspired the participants with his lecture on the potential of dialogue and integration with music at the interface to multilingualism. He presented several successful Lesson Studies carried out by student teachers at primary schools. His findings were so inviting that he also took over a slot that had become free in the symposium and experimented on a multilingual song with the participants. Claudia Mewald introduced FRINCOM. The theoretical framework for intercomprehension methodology guided the development of the interactive platform PALM (www.palm-edu.eu) and its learning activities based on Lesson Study.
Agnes Klein and Andrea Szirony from the University of Pécs reported on the quality assurance in the teacher training course German as a foreign language with the support of PALM. Renata Zanin and Maria Gall presented science lessons with a focus on language awareness on the basis of Lesson Study at primary school.
Claudia Mewald (WALS Council Member)