Texas USA Lesson Study Initiative
Texas USA Lesson Study (TXLS) is an initiative of the Texas Education Agency (TEA) and is implemented through hubs of the state’s education service centers (ESCs) that provide facilitators to teachers conducting lesson study. Yarema and Gee were facilitators in ESC Regions 14 and 15. Some ESCs offer teachers the option of beginning the process during the summer, meeting about four days to identify a research topic, research theme, goals, and objectives as well as to study results from research that might influence the development of a research lesson. During the school year, teachers finalize their design for an inquiry-based lesson that is taught with others collecting data on students’ learning. Students take an assessment prior to and after the teaching of the research lesson, which is videoed. All students complete a brief survey about the teaching of the lesson, and an ESC consultant interviews three students about the lesson. Following a post-lesson discussion, teachers record the results of their lesson study research in their lesson proposal that is reviewed by ESC consultants for content and clarity using a state-provided rubric. The final lesson proposal is submitted to TEA for possible publication on the Texas Gateway. See https://www.texasgateway.org/lesson-study for information about TXLS.
In fall 2018 six preservice secondary mathematics teachers from ESC Region 14 participated in TXLS. They conducted lesson study as proposed by TEA in a mathematics course taught by Yarema. At the department’s 2019 Spring Banquet, the preservice teachers experienced their Kampai!, receiving certificates of participation.
Beginning in Fall 2019, TXLS will start its second phase, focusing on sustainability, and will offer participation to preservice teachers throughout the state. ESC facilitators will provide various levels of support from leading the entire process to training of teacher leaders. No longer facilitators, Yarema and Gee will serve as outside experts from higher education faculty and continue to investigate how TXLS can become part of preservice teacher education in Texas.

Connie Yarema (Abilene Christian University) and
Donna Gee (Angelo State University)