“Lesson Study — Das Handbuch für kollaborative Unterrichtsentwicklung und Lernforschung” Handbook was Published
A handbook for Lesson Study in German language with the title “Lesson Study — Das Handbuch für kollaborative Unterrichtsentwicklung und Lernforschung” was published by StudienVerlag in Innsbruck, Austria.
The handbook, initiated by the lesson study research group at the University College of Teacher Education in Lower Austria, features three chapters about the HOW, WHY and WHAT in lesson study. It aims to encourage practitioners and researchers to embark on a collaborative journey into learning.
The volume was edited by Erwin Rauscher, the dean of the University College of Teacher Education in Lower Austria and editor of the series “Pädagogik für Niederösterreich” (Pedagogy for Lower Austria), and Claudia Mewald, a professor at the college.
Insights into learning theories are provided by Kurt Allabauer and Monika Prenner, while Daniela Rzejak, from the University of Kassel, discusses the effects of lesson study on learning in a meta study. Roland Knoblauch, consultant and coach, gives a thorough introduction into open observation in lesson study and Claudia Mewald discusses lesson study from theoretical and practical perspectives.
Moreover, Hubert Gruber, Martina Neumüller-Reuscher and Josef Buchner, Susanne Roßnagl, Stefanie Svoboda and Sabine Wallner share their lesson studies in primary, secondary and tertiary education in this book.
John Elliott, Professor Emeritus at the University of East Anglia, honoured the publication with an introductory chapter.
ISBN-10: 3706559358
ISBN-13: 978-3706559355