We kindly ask you to be in time for your own talk, about 10 minutes before the start of your assigned timeslot.
Bring your own laptop.
All rooms are equipped with a beamer with HDMI-connection.
If needed bring your own adapter to be able to connect.
For the best possible visual presentation, please use a 16:9 ratio (wide screen) for your PowerPoint slides.
If you need technical assistance you can call Ilona Molenaar-Maatman (+31.6.48696871).
Please monitor the time duration of your own talk, or discuss with your fellow presenters who can chair or help monitoring the time duration of the talks.
To save time, please collect all presentations on one laptop that stays connected during the whole time slot.
The chair or the person who submitted the group talk, will monitor the time.
All single talks are arranged in groups of three.
Each presenter is asked to present the talk in 20 minutes maximum, so 10 minutes is left for questions and discussion.
Please monitor the time duration of your own talk, or discuss with your fellow presenters who can chair or help monitoring the time duration of the talks.
The poster presentations are organized during lunch time at each conference day.
The poster is best printed in an upright A0 format (841 x 1188 mm / 33.11 x 46.81 inches).
The organization will provide poster boards and material to attach the poster on the board.
On the day of your presentation, we kindly ask you to hang your poster in the morning (at the start of the conference day) and remove the poster in the late afternoon (at the closing of the conference day), so your work can be viewed during all breaks. During lunch time, please stay with your poster to explain your poster to the audience.
The organization will help you in setting up the poster exhibition. Please be advised that if your poster is not removed at the end of the day, it will be disposed of.
These sessions are organized in the presenter rooms: Table talks share one room.
School and Work talks are assigned to separate rooms.
We kindly request the persons who submitted their talk to monitor the time themselves or discuss with your fellow presenters who can chair or help monitoring the time duration of the talks.