Presenter Guidelines

Formats of Presentation

Activities of the Conference will include keynote speeches, paper presentations, topical symposia, workshops, poster presentations, and school visits.

Papers (30 min)

Paper presentations last around 20 minutes, plus some time for Q&A. It will be scheduled to 90-min sessions normally consisting of 3 or exceptionally 4 papers on similar cases and 4 in exceptional cases. A paper can be submitted by one author plus up to 5 co-authors and up to 2 among whom can be listed as presenters. The following types of papers are encouraged for submissions:

a. Research Papers
Completed research papers in any of the strands listed above or related areas.
b. Student Papers
Research done by students in any of the strands listed above or related areas.
c. Case Studies
Case studies in any of the strands listed above or related areas.
d. Work-in-Progress Reports or Proposals for future Research
Incomplete research or ideas for future research in order to generate discussion and feedback in any of the strands listed above or related areas.
e. Reports on Issues Related to Teaching
Reports related to innovative instruction techniques or research related to teaching in any of the strands listed above or related areas.
One of the presenters in each session will be nominated as the chairperson in that session by email two weeks before the conference. Chairperson should manage the timing based on the number of presentations scheduled for the session and organize the Q&A segments.

Posters (90 min)

Poster sessions combine graphic display of materials with the opportunity for individualized, informal discussion of the research throughout a 90-minute session. It can be submitted by one author plus up to 5 co-authors. Posters may include reports of ongoing research or case studies of professional practices. Research reports should clearly state the research topic, research question(s), and methods of data collection, data analysis and preliminary research findings. Posters of good practices should include such information as the background of school, context of case study, data analysis (where applicable), findings and recommendations. Presenters are advised to prudently use texts and graphics in the layout of their posters as space for display will be limited. Because of the physical configuration of this type of session, no additional audiovisual equipment, such as a screen or LCD projector, is provided. The required format for your poster is A0 (84.1 x 118.9 cm / 33.11 x 46.81 inches) portrait format (upright) only.

Workshops (90 min)

Workshops are informative, interesting and interactive sessions and may be targeted at the general conference populace or designed for specific target groups (teachers, school leaders, educators, researchers). Workshops are 90 minutes in length and may consist of hands-on activities, demonstration, and/or discussion. The topics of proposed workshops should be related to any of the strands.

Topical Symposia (90 min)

Interested participants may propose symposia for topics that are related to any of the strands. 90 minutes will be allocated to each symposium. We anticipate 3 or excpetionally 4 inter-related papers to be presented at a symposium. Symposium organizers should observe the deadline listed in the "Important Dates". They are also advised to appoint a chairperson and a discussant for each symposium session.
Examples of Symposia:
  1. Researchers from the same field may wish to collaborate to organize a symposium consisting of 3 research papers which covers inter-related topics. 
  2. A school may be interested to organize a symposium consisting of 3 presentations from school leaders’ perspectives or teachers’ case studies. 
  3. Teachers may wish to collaborate across schools to present case studies of similar subjects or focus.

Review Criteria

Paper/Symposium/Poster Proposals 

  • Clarity of aim/formulation/conceptualization
  • Quality of writing and organization
  • Relevance of research topic for this conference
  • For symposiums, a critical criterion is whether individual presentations are sufficiently inter-related.

Workshop Proposals

  • Appropriateness of topic 
  • Clarity of aim and design
  • Presence of interactivity element
  • Relevance to practice

Important Dates

  • Thursday 22 Nov. , 14:00-20:00
    Registration (Early Check-in)
  • November 23-26, 2018
    WALS Annual International Conference
  • December 30, 2017
    First Round of Call for Proposals
  • March 1 - June 30, 2018
    Proposal Submission (tentative)
  • March 31, 2018
    Second Round of Call for Proposals
  • May 1 - September 9, 2018
    Early-bird Registration
  • August 24, 2018
    Review Result Announcement
  • September 1 - December 31, 2018
    Presenters may submit full papers/presentations for publication on the Post Conference section of the WALS website if you wish.
  • September 10 - October 31, 2018
    Regular Registration

