
WALS 2018 will not take responsibility of participants' accommodation and participants should arrange their own acoommodation. 

For hotels in Beijing, we suggest advance online booking via elong (艺龙), and agodaAirbnb is also popular in Beijing. 

Below is a list of accommodations at or in the vicinity of the conference venue. It is advisable to make a reservation as soon as you register, as room bookings are subject to availability. The information provided below is for your convenience only and does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation by WALS 2018 of the services of any particular hotel, inn, or apartment. We provide you the contact information and address in both English and Chinese. Once you decide on accommodations, it is recommended that you take a photo or printed copy of the hotel’s name and address in English/Mandarin, as you will be able to use this information to inform taxi drivers and others of its location.

1. Jingshi Hotel  京师大厦 (550m) ★★★★★

Tel: +86-010-58802288
Address: #19 Xin Jie Kou Wai Street, Haidian District, Beijing, 100875 (Situated at the southeast of Beijing Normal University, close to Xinjiekouwai Street in the east and Xueyuan South Road in the south)
Address in Chinese: 海淀区新街口外大街19号(北京师范大学东门向南500米)

2. Holiday Inn Beijing Deshengmen 北京德胜门华宇假日酒店 (1.2km) ★★★★

Tel: +86-010-52810888
Email: Group Code: U12 (Please provide the group code by reservation.)
Address: No. 71 Denshengmenwai Street, Xicheng District, Beijing, China
Address in Chinese: 北京市西城区德胜门外大街71号(北二环德胜门桥北侧)

3. Beijing BeiyouKeji Hotel  北京北邮科技酒店 北邮科技大厦 (950m) ★★★★

Tel: +86-010-52810888
Address: 10 Xi Tu Cheng Rd, Haidian District, Beijing
Address in Chinese: 北京海淀区西土城路10号

4. Beijing Haowei Mansion Hotel 北京豪威大厦 (1.1km) ★★★★

Tel: +86-010-62388951
Address: 25 Beitaipingzhuang Road (Beitaipingzhuang Lu), Haidian District, Beijing 
Address in Chinese: 北京市海淀区北太平庄路25号(地铁10号线牡丹园站向南200米路西)

5. Tianfang Hotel  北京天方饭店 (1.1km) ★★★★

Tel: +86-010-62235555
Address: 28 North Xizhimen Street (XizhimenBeiDajie)
Address in Chinese: 海淀区西直门北大街28号9(枫蓝国际购物中心向北100路东)

6. Liaoning Hotel –Beijing  北京辽宁饭店 (1.3km) ★★★

Tel: +86-010-62015588
Address: No. 1 Deshengmenwai Avenue, Xicheng District, Beijing, China
Address in Chinese: 西城区德胜门外大街1号(位于马甸桥西南侧下桥即到)

7. Jinhui International Business Conference Hotel  北京金辉国际商务会议大酒店 (1.5km) ★★★★

Tel: +86-010-62275588
Address: No. 48 Xueyuan South Road, Haidian District, Beijing, China
Address in Chinese: 海淀区学院南路48号(明光桥西300米路南)

8. Free Comfort Holiday Hotel (Beijing South Xueyuan Road)   康福瑞假日酒店 (北京学院南路店) (1.7km) ★★★★

Tel: +86-010-62186218
Address: No. 33 Xueyuan South Road (Xueyuan Nan Lu)
Address in Chinese: 海淀区学院南路33号(明光桥西500米,四道口金五星百货旁边)

9. Peony Hotel  北京牡丹宾馆 (1.7km) ★★★

Tel: +86-010-62025544
Address: 31 East Huayuan Road (Huayuan Dong Lu)
Address in Chinese: 海淀区花园东路31号(近元大都遗址公园)

10. Garden Hotel 北京海淀花园饭店 (1.8km) ★★★

Tel: +86-010-62011188
Address: 30 East Garden Road (Huayuan Dong Lu)
Address in Chinese: 海淀区花园东路30号(地铁十号线牡丹园站旁)

11. Yuanchenxin International Hotel 北京元辰鑫国际酒店 (1.9km) ★★★★

Tel: +86-010-82024488
Address: 12 Yumin Road (Yumin Lu)
Address in Chinese: 朝阳区裕民路12号中国国际科技会展中心C座(昌平路与裕民路交汇处)

12. Zhongyou Hotel 北京中油宾馆 (1.9km) ★★★

Tel: +86-010-62045522
Address: No.1 Lane 2, Liupukeng, Xicheng Distrct
Address in Chinese: 西城区六铺坑二巷1号院 (德胜门外大街与六铺炕街交汇处西侧)



Important Dates

  • Thursday 22 Nov. , 14:00-20:00
    Registration (Early Check-in)
  • November 23-26, 2018
    WALS Annual International Conference
  • December 30, 2017
    First Round of Call for Proposals
  • March 1 - June 30, 2018
    Proposal Submission (tentative)
  • March 31, 2018
    Second Round of Call for Proposals
  • May 1 - September 9, 2018
    Early-bird Registration
  • August 24, 2018
    Review Result Announcement
  • September 1 - December 31, 2018
    Presenters may submit full papers/presentations for publication on the Post Conference section of the WALS website if you wish.
  • September 10 - October 31, 2018
    Regular Registration

