Dear WALS member,
It is my pleasure to introduce this October WALS Newsletter. Its contents all reflect a new age in lesson studies in which the world has become smaller not because of increased air travel but because so many people are now skilled in learning and teaching online. The first item provides an insight into innovative work by a Team in Malta virtually supporting lesson study development in the Philippines. The second showcases excellent online resources developed by Catherine Lewis’s Team in Oakland California to enhance teacher learning in lesson study worldwide. And finally, there is a brief report on this year’s vibrant International Conference on Lesson Study in Semarang, Indonesia: an online event bringing practitioners together from across Indonesia’s many islands, cities and towns. My thanks go to the hundreds of you who are contributing to this year’s WALS 2021 Online conference (29 Nov – 2 Dec). Don’t forget to register and please enjoy what looks to be an amazing event. Please also make sure you attend the WALS Annual General Meeting on 2 December (see below) where you can vote on some important constitutional changes and also for our next WALS president!! Have a great conference!
Pete Dudley,
WALS President.
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