Newsletter | February 2021

Dear WALS member,

Welcome to Spring 2021. Many schools and universities around the world continue under pandemic restrictions: empty (with all teaching online), open (with distancing constraints) or partially open (with online teaching for many). Educators are understandably exhausted. And yet, in this newsletter, the amazing resilience and determination of WALS community members to limit Covid’s damage to student learning shines through as strongly as it did during WALS2020 in December. The next task for the world’s educators is to help this ‘pandemic generation’ make up all the lost ground. The content of this newsletter looks forward, optimistically, focussing on how lesson study can help close that gap and on a few of the many roles WALS members are playing. My thanks to all the contributors and to WALS Hon. Gen. Sec. Jean Lang for pulling this edition together.

Pete Dudley,
WALS President.

Featured Events

The First WALS Webinar of 2021 Online International Conference for School as Learning Community

News from Around the World

Introducing Our New Council Members Find out more about Lesson Study at the University of Malaga, Spain News from the PhD and Early Researchers’ Network

Publications and Activities

Reviews of Stepping up Lesson Study by WALS members IJLLS Literati Awards and publications


Feedback from WALS2020 online Planning for WALS 2021 in Hong Kong/Macau Introducing WALS 2022 in Malaysia
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