Lesson and Learning Studies at the CARN D.A.CH Conference in Innsbruck, Austria

Two book presentations and three presentations about Lesson and Learning Studies at the VII. CARN D.A.CH Conference in Innsbruck demonstrated impressively, that the German-speaking research community is not missing out on significant developments in educational research! Unlike the Seven Sleepers, who are quietly dozing away in the pilgrimage chapel of “Maria auf der Gallwies” next to the Castle Mentlberg – the conference venue and interim campus of the University College of Teacher Education Tyrol – 98 practitioner researchers of five nationalities spent two active and engaged days focusing on topics related to sustainability through and in education, action research, and Lesson & Learning Studies.

Gabriele Isak from the University College of Teacher Education in Carinthia introduced Lesson Study as a sustainable concept of teaching development providing an introduction to the various aspects of Lesson Study. A presentation of recent research into the Roles of Knowledgeable Others in Lesson Study by Claudia Mewald from the University College of Teacher Education in Lower Austria was followed by research carried out in the context of the Project Variate 2|3. Harald Spann, from the University College of Teacher Education in Upper Austria presented Learning Study in Foreign language Education — a Case Study.

After engaging intensively with Lesson and Learning Studies, the participants of the conference showed great interest in the 5th edition of Lehrerinnen und Lehrer erforschen ihren Unterricht: Unterrichtsentwicklung und Unterrichtsevaluation durch Aktionsforschung. Among other novelties, this edition of the standard work on practitioner research in the German-speaking world includes a section on Lesson and Learning Studies. The edited volume Lesson Study: Das Handbuch für kollaborative Unterrichtsentwicklung und Lernforschung was also presented. It will be available in spring 2019 at the Innsbruck-based StudienVerlag.

Presenters at the CARN D.A.CH Conference in Innsbruck:  Claudia Mewald, University College of Teacher Education in Lower Austria, Harald Spann, University College of Teacher Education in Upper Austria, Gabriele Isak, University College of Teacher Education in Carinthia

Book presentations:  Harald Spann, Claudia Mewald

The Seven Sleepers at Mentlberg

Information and poetry about the “Seven Sleepers of Ephesus”


Robert Graves, The White Goddess


Literature in German language:

Herbert Altrichter (Autor), Peter Posch (Autor), Harald Spann (Autor)

Lehrerinnen und Lehrer erforschen ihren Unterricht: Unterrichtsentwicklung und Unterrichtsevaluation durch Aktionsforschung

ISBN-10: 9783825247546
ISBN-13: 978-3825247546

Claudia Mewald (Herausgeber), Erwin Rauscher (Herausgeber)

Lesson Study: Das Handbuch für kollaborative Unterrichtsentwicklung und Lernforschung (Pädagogik für Niederösterreich)

ISBN-10: 3706559358
ISBN-13: 978-3706559355

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