Lesson Study well-represented at AERA 2018 conference in New York City
This year’s annual American Educational Research Association (AERA 2018) conference was held in New York City (April 13-17). With over 15.000 participants, this conference belongs to one of the biggest educational research conferences in the world covering a broad variety of educational topics. Different Lesson Study (LS) researchers from various countries were participating as well, presenting their work in different sessions. The second conference day started with a LS symposium chaired by Geoff Wake. Using different case studies, Catherine Lewis (Mills College US), Francesco Javier Garcia (University of Jaen, Spain), Geoff Wake (University of Nottingham, UK), and Keiichi Nishimura (Tokyo Gakugei University, Japan) used various theoretical lenses to inform Lesson Study design and analysis in a range of different cultural contexts. Discussant Akihiko Takahashi (DePaul University, US) concluded this interesting session. Another LS symposium on the same conference day, focused on Chinese LS practices examined from multiple perspectives and addressing its cultural roots. In the evening, a business meeting for the Special Interest Group (SIG) Lesson Study was scheduled. The next morning, a great amount of Lesson Study posters were presented parallel to a round table session in which Dutch researchers presented two Lesson Study cases in higher education. A very inspiring research conference and great to see that the international Lesson Study community is expanding so rapidly. We look forward to the next Lesson Study event!
Tijmen Schipper MSc (Head of curriculum and PhD candidate Lesson Study)
Windesheim University of Applied Sciences (the Netherlands)