London Mathematics Lesson Study Hub

Last week three groups of teachers as part of the London Mathematics Lesson Study Hubs met to share what they had learned through lesson study about using images to enhance conceptual understanding of mathematics such as Fractions. In particular they shared close observations of typical misconceptions among pupils of different year groups around the learning of Fractions. Building upon each other’s understandings and reflections, teachers from the three hubs are working towards developing a framework of progression and pedagogy for teaching Fractions across Key Stage 1 and 2 with essential knowledge about crucial pre-learning and misconceptions at each stage. The London Mathematics Lesson Study Hubs project is sponsored by the London Schools Excellence Legacy Fund and led by Dr. Pete Dudley and Jean Lang from the London Borough of Camden. The aim of the legacy project is to use lesson study as a magnet to bring classroom practitioners across London schools and boroughs together to form self-sustaining and self-sufficient communities of practice with the focus on developing the standards of mathematics teaching and learning across London. See

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